terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013


I decided to write this post in English (which is not my best language) to aware You who intent to come to Brazil to the Federations Cup or to World Cup 2014.

Yes, you may have a good time and see beautiful beaches, great night clubs and have lots of caipirinhas and fun. However you have to be really careful cause Brazil is not that fun and worse, is not that safe.

I’ll start with the new every day crime that to me is the most repulsive thing but the Brazilian authorities doesn’t seems to care that much witch is the women rape.

In Rio de Janeiro where anyone can go to the beach on work day at the lunch break and thegirls wear biquinis and look like they are happy every week we have on the news histories about rapes on vans, in favelas (poor people communities) and the think that impress the most is that the information of this kind of crime arrives in a small part, I mean, not every girl that is subited to this brutality go to the police station to make report so it is probably a bigger problem that it looks like.

Of course that the government is always saying “we are working hard to create a safe city to all the tourists and for our people and this kind of crime will be repressed and the crimenous will be arrested”…. Bla bla bla.

What we see here is that they worry just with how much money they will receive behind our backs from the companies that are building the most expansive stadiums in the world (the costs are around 1 bilion Reais or 500 milion American dollars).

And this is the next “good news” (sarcasm)!!! The stadiums are expensive and they dosen’t work. The restrooms has no water, the parking lot has not enough space, they are not ready and they already have problems in the structure, resuming, they are dangerous places to be and if you intent to go and watch a game than PLEASE… DO NOT JUMP WHEN YOUR TEAM SCORE cause if you and yours friends jump at the same time increases the probability of the stadium fall down and this is not a joke, I really mean it!!!

When you are in your way to any place believe your google and don’t believe the driver. Yes, probably the driver will try drive from all over the places just to get more money from you (and I mean like 2 or 5 bucks). They do that just to be MALANDRO (the translation is smart not in a good way) to say to his friends that he hustle a GRINGO (a pejorative word for a foreigner).

And for the last and, in my opinion one of the least, the airports. This is going to be the jungle rule!!!

Those who have influent contacts will get places on the planes and those who not will need lots of lucky and the double of patience.

This because our airports structures can’t handle our on demand, we all the time have to wait in endless lines and we face overbooking problems daily and, the worse, our airports have the number one mafia in the world. They work outside the balconies and inside the balconies, they will take your laptop, your Ipad your cell phone your wallet and when you realize that you were robed it is going to be to late and nobody sees or do anything.

So my friends if, even after reading this you still want to come to any of this events here I wish  you, brave man/woman GOOD LUCK AND MAY GOD BE WITH YOU.

(sorry about my English and if you have any suggestions be my guest)

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